- Collection of cheatsheets for Developers - Collection of cheatsheets for Developers is a website that provides cheat sheets and quick reference guides for various programming languages, frameworks, and tools. It's a handy resource for developers who want to quickly look up syntax, commands, or concepts without having to sift through lengthy documentation.

Devhints is a comprehensive collection of cheatsheets for developers. It provides quick reference guides and concise information on various programming languages, frameworks, tools, and technologies.

Key Features

  1. Cheatsheets for Multiple Technologies: Covers languages like Python, JavaScript, CSS, databases, DevOps tools, and more.
  2. Regular Updates: Frequently updated to include the latest versions and best practices.
  3. User-Friendly Interface: Easy to navigate and find relevant information quickly.


  • Ideal for quick look-ups and learning new tools.
  • Helps improve productivity and coding efficiency.
For more information, visit Devhints.